Pasayahan sa Lucena

Pasayahan sa Lucena is the city’s official claim to identity in the long list of local annual festivals all over the Philippines. In this loaded national calendar of local festivities, Lucena City stamps its name on the last week of May as the must-go-to destination.

Pasayahan serves as the culminating highlight in a month-long series of celebrations in the city, carrying a spirit and visual appeal comparable to the Mardi Gras of Brazil. In fact, the event is indeed known as Mardi Gras among the city’s more senior residents.

Chami, Lucena’s fresh egg noodles specialty is highlighted in the Festival with the varied cooking and eating contests where locals and even outsiders compete to deliver the best representation of the Chami.

If there is an event that gets Lucena City the most national media coverage, this is it.